Year 437 BC
Hippocrates of Kos uses personality to identify four physical illnesses. It turns out his illness traits identify personality groups.
Eric Estenzo says praise about Dena Theory as the Hermit Sage artist.
This is one of the more interesting books I have ever read. It will definitely get you to think in a different way.
John Reagan [River] (M.D., New England Cancer Center)
An Innovative and logical approach to personal relationships. I liked the clarity of the argument.
Barrett Hazeltine [Pond] (Professor Emeritus, Brown University)
A contribution to the field and an excellent book.
Susan Scanlon [Canyon] (Publisher-Writer, The Type Reporter)
It’s a fantastic guide to help you know if a date may be “the one”!
This book is an eye opener.
Liz [Cascade] (Bartender, Boston Italian Restaurant)
It is unique in its simplicity and ease of understanding.
This book kicks ass!
Joey Chia [River] (Cartoonist and Life Coach)