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Dena Theory connects personality with face and body shape.
Hermit Sage is a mathematician who learned math from Nicolas Bourbaki.
Biography of Hermit Sage (world personality expert)
From early childhood, when seeing what nature and people did, Hermit Sage felt at one with the laws that connected all things. Now, he sees that for modern humans those laws create sixty-four unique brain-body-personality categories at birth. He believes that if everyone knew the name of their birth personality that the world could function with more harmony and be a better place to live.
Before Dena Theory, birth personalities did not have names. Moreover, the numerical values of the four components of birth personality had never been published until the book Dena Theory did so. This book guides you through the steps of identifying your personality, and those of others, by using physical traits. By knowing personality names you can find your best relationships and careers.
It is clear and concise. No other book before the twenty-first century has ever described birth personalities so thoroughly.
Hermit Sage’s cat has a personality defined by the shape of its body. Dena Theory says a person’s personality is the same way. There are sixty-four human personalities defined by sixty-four human body shapes. Dena Theory gives you simple rules that show you the way to visually identify personalities.
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There is no need to buy or read the book in order to learn the name of your personality. By using the website Goodreads.com as a go-between, you can have the author read a photograph of you or anyone by sending him a link.
Both books Dena Theory and Dena Deck Relationship Cards list the names of all personalities and summarize each one on a single page. (Dena Deck is like a CliffsNotes for Dena Theory.)
When you have one of these books, you can see which name you think describes your personality, and then see if Hermit Sage agrees with you.
You can ask the author the name of your personality by becoming a member of the website Goodreads. It is easy and cost you nothing. The instructions to do so are as follows: